Zsh Evangelism
After a decade of stubbornly sticking with bash
, I've changed shells to zsh
and couldn't be happier with the decision. The only regret is in not having switched long before now. This was a svn
=> git
1 sort of transition for me: of course, I should've been using it all along!
By way of evangelism, a few notes on my configuration:
It is much easier and cleaner to customize a zsh
prompt than in bash
. It also has a notion of an RPROMPT
– the right-aligned prompt – which is excellent for supplementary directory information2.
My prompt configuration can be found here.
Oh My Zsh!
Another advantage of switching to zsh
is the opportunity to use oh-my-zsh, a set of plugins, helper functions, and themes for zsh
. I'm not using any of the themes directly3, but the plugins are really nice, and provide, for example, tab completion for executables like ruby
, git
, etc.
I've structured my dotfile repository in a modular way: separating into various concern areas such as aliases.zsh, functions.zsh, and so on. The top level ~/.zshrc
symlink-target consequently reduces down to a simple script; its only job is to set a few zsh
options and then source
the individual modules:
export DOTFILES=$HOME/git/me/dotfiles
for zsh_config in `ls $DOTFILES/zsh/*.zsh | sort` # Sort => source in order.
source $zsh_config
If, like me until recently, inertia still keeps you on bash
– definitely give zsh
a try. You won't regret it.